We recently worked with National Cutting Horse Association leaders to reduce odors and maintain a healthy and safe environment at their shows in Oklahoma City, OK and Fort Worth, TX. These shows have a lot of livestock, and as a result—a lot of odors!!
By using Byo-Gon PX-109® Organic, our customers were able to keep odors under control and help the public enjoy a great show. As you can see from the testimonial below from Dave Brian at the Summer Spectacular at the Will Rogers Coliseum in Fort Worth, TX, only 5 gallons of our product went a long way. Thank you, NCHA for providing us an opportunity to help make your shows successful.
We used ByoGon during the NCHA Summer Cutting that was held July 8 through August 3. A total of five gallons was applied in two applications during the show using the spray tank on our Kiser arena drag. During the show we used over 9,800 head of cattle, they can create quite a odor smell in that amount of days. We were very pleased with your product.
Dave Brian
NCHA Director of Shows