Sustainable Algae Control in Lakes and Ponds

The Problem

Cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) can disrupt the natural aquatic ecosystem in lakes and ponds and create unsightly and Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) spurred by nutrient pollution. HABs can produce toxins that have caused a variety of illnesses or death in people and animals.

When water containing cyanobacteria is used for irrigation, problems can occur in the soil, impacting plant health and growth. This is becoming an increasingly common problem in agriculture and in turf – requiring increasing use of fungicides to combat these plant diseases.

Problem Cause
Harmful Algae Blooms Improper nutrient balance, low levels of oxygenation and poor biological health/activity
Fish Kills Low dissolved oxygen
Poor Water Clarity Presence of algae. Excessive nutrients (P & N).
Foul Odor Hydrogen sulfide accumulation
Thick Sediment/Muck Layer Lack of beneficial bacteria and/ or activity of aerobic bacteria in the water bottom.

The Byo-Gon Solution

Healthy and active Aerobic bacteria in the water column and bottom sediments can minimize algal blooms by uptaking nutrients into the microbial mass – effectively “starving” algae and minimizing unsightly blooms. Byo-Gon PX-109 is an effective biostimulant tool that can stimulate the natural bacteria in ponds and lakes to increase their activity and quickly consume these excess nutrients. Byo-Gon is applied as a liquid to the water column via direct injection or via a circulation system. A 100% natural alternative to chemicals, Byo-Gon PX-109 is OMRI-certified organic and safe for use in all applications.

Maintaining adequate dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in water is a critical component to sustaining aerobic bacteria in the water column and to reduce additional releases of nutrients from sediments in lake bottoms. Sustaining DO levels across the entire water column increases ecosystem health and helps maintain water clarity. Effectively aerating the entire water column with conventional aeration systems pose difficulties as aeration bubbles quickly rise to the surface and are released to the atmosphere instead of aerating the water column or sediments. This is a even more of a challenge in warm and shallow water bodies.

Nanobubble Aeration

Nanobubble aeration is a premium innovative technology designed to exceed the capabilities of traditional lake and pond aeration systems by providing up to 79,000x more oxygen! Produced by compact on-shore generators, these ultra-fine bubbles are completely invisible to the eye and about 1 million times smaller than ordinary bubbles. As a result of their tiny size, nanobubbles have no natural buoyancy and do not rise to the surface of the water and burst like conventional aeration that is normally applied. These nanobubbles remain within the water column for up to 2-3 months, providing unparalleled oxygen for aerobic bacteria to thrive to in lakes and ponds.

An added benefit of nanobubbles is their negative charge, which attracts positively charged suspended particles in the water column and settles out these particles, greatly improving water clarity. The nanobubbles also break down into “free radicals” that are effective in killing algae in the water column, cleansing the water with natural oxygen.

Nanobubble aeration is poised to transform the entire way we approach the management of lakes and ponds and is an invaluable tool as undesirable nutrient loading continues to increase into the world’s waters.

We’re excited to utilize nanobubble technology in freshwater management, along with the proven Byo-Gon PX-109 biostimulant to improve and enhance water quality worldwide.